Within the short period of several years, China becomes the country with the largest number of CFB boilers and the biggest capacity of CFB boiler in the world. 经过短短的十几年.我国已是世界上装机数量最多、装机容量最大的国家。
With the increasing capacity of the domestic coal-fired large-scale power plants, boiler draft fan capacity increases. 随着国内燃煤发电厂容量的日趋大型化,锅炉引风机的容量也随之增大。
Station of estimation method of rate of capacity load of boiler 锅炉烟尘测试中锅炉负荷率的计算方法探讨
When dust is measured monitoring of capacity of boiler. 锅炉烟尘测试时,必须对锅炉出力进行测试。
With the enlargement of the installed capacity, the overheating and tube rupture of the boiler superheat system frequently happen because of thermal deviation, which seriously affects the safe and economy operation of generating plant. 随着机组容量的增大,锅炉过热系统因热偏差引起的超温爆管事故频频发生,严重影响了发电厂的安全、经济运行。
By means of adjusting the interlocking delay time of the control oil pump and using the accumulator of appropriate capacity, the latent safety trouble resulting in the trip of the boiler feed pump turbines is eliminated. 通过调整控制油泵联锁延时时间,并更换合适容量的蓄能器后,消除了因油泵故障导致小汽轮机跳闸的安全隐患。
Boiler's air leakage influences the gas capacity and temperature in each section, and therefore influences the energy-distribution in each heat-absorbing surface of boiler. 锅炉漏风影响锅炉各段的烟气量和烟温,从而影响锅炉各个受热面的能量分配。
Process of combustion is a key factor which is relative to boiler production capacity and reliability of production process, and determines economical efficiency of boiler operation. 炉内燃烧换热过程的好坏,不仅直接关系到锅炉的生产能力和生产过程的可靠性,而且在很大程度上决定了锅炉运行的经济性。
Test results in-situ showed that capacity of the boiler could completely meet the needs of the design. 经过改造后的现场测试:锅炉出力等技术指标完全能达到设计值,改造达到了预期目的。
Cause Analysis and Improvements on Deficiency of Productive Capacity of 660 MW Units Boiler Primary Air Fan 660MW机组锅炉一次风机出力不足的原因分析及改进
On the base of the study of combustion characteristics of large capacity coal-fired boiler, a fuzzy comprehensive judgement model of boiler combustion stability is established. The methods of fuzzy mathematics and neural network are applied to establish the judgement model with self-studying function. 本课题在对我国大容量机组锅炉燃烧特性进行研究的基础上,运用模糊数学和神经网络方法建立了具有自学习功能的锅炉燃烧稳定性模糊综合评判模型。
Additional load carrying capacity required for the cross bracing systems in the two end transverse frames of the boiler framework is presented. 为保证中间框架压杆的稳定,对构架两端部横向框架交叉支撑体系也提出了附加的强度要求。
It introduces the capacity extension and reformation of WGZ130/ 39-11 type coal-fired four-corner jet boiler from output 130 t/ h to 160 t/ h. It's proved to be successful after practical operation. 介绍WGZJ30/39-11型四角喷燃锅炉由130t/h出力提高到160t/h出力的扩容改造情况,扩容改造投运后实际运行证明该炉改造是成功的。
Design and discussion about an ultra supercritical boiler with a capacity of 1000 MW for Harbin Boiler Company Ltd 哈锅1000MW超超临界锅炉设计探讨
From waste gas flow of chimney and air excessive coefficient α to estimate capacity load the operation of the boiler can be regulated and invalid measurement can be avoid. 为避免无效监测,提出了用锅炉烟气量、空气过剩系数对锅炉运行出力进行估算,以便调整锅炉运行状况,达到锅炉烟尘测试要求。
Increasing Powder Preparation Capacity of a Boiler System and Reformation of a Coarse Particle Separator 提高锅炉制粉系统出力及粗粉分离器的改造
In recent years, with the development of large capacity and high parameter unit of power station in our country, and the introduction of advanced large boiler manufacture, some new technology of swirling burners are used much more in the power stations. 近年来,随着我国火力机组向着大容量、高参数的发展以及国外先进的大型锅炉制造技术的引进,一些新型的旋流燃烧技术在电站锅炉上的应用越来越多。
The ash deposits cause lowering of heat transfer capacity and rise in flow resistance, resulting in reduction of output and boiler efficiency. 积灰不仅使锅炉热效率下降,而且堵塞烟气流道,影响了锅炉的正常运行。
With the development of boiler with huge capacity and high parameters, and highly environmental protection requirement, the desulfurization of CFB boiler characteristics are increasingly concerned; 随着锅炉大容量、高参数发展和环保要求的提高,对CFB脱硫效果尤其受到重视;
The Effect of Shutting off the High Pressure Feed-water Heater to Raise Heat Supplying Capacity of the Boiler 关闭高加提高供热能力对锅炉的影响
The dynamic characteristics and the sensitivity to the disturbance of boiler affect the capacity of changing load, security and economic operation of boiler. 锅炉的动态特性和对扰动的敏感性都将直接影响到锅炉的变负荷能力和安全经济运行。
With the development of higher parameter and larger capacity of thermal power generating units, boiler feed pump as the most important equipment of generators, its higher parameter and reliability are demanded. 随着火力发电单机容量朝着大容量、高参数方向发展,对其最重要辅机锅炉给水泵的参数及可靠性要求也越来越高。